The first Italian online Civic Hackathon "HackforInclusion"

The first Italian online Civic Hackathon "HackforInclusion", involving students from upper secondary schools on 4 challenges in the wide field of Media and Information Literacy, has been organised on the 8th and 9th of January 2021 by FORMA.Azione, coordinator of the IN-EDU project and of the No Hate Speech Movement Italy in Umbria, and the school ITET Aldo Capitini of Perugia. 

Among the over 30 teams that submitted their application, 20 have been admitted to the competition – an online creative marathon opened by the Deputy Minister for Education, University and Research, Anna Ascani. She thanked the organizers for having “Given an important opportunity to young people, to discuss and become aware of issues that are crucial in the personal development of today's young citizens, who will be the decision-makers of the country of tomorrow. The digital natives are the generations that crowd the school desks today, this habit of using technologies, however, does not imply an awareness of the impact that these tools can have in the daily life of each of us, nor the impact they have at the political and social level. The school, in synergy with the Third Sector, must provide children with the tools for greater awareness, especially when it comes to hate speech. The initiative that you launch today - concluded Anna Ascani - assumes particular importance and fits perfectly into the guidelines of this Ministry and traces an important path that the Italian school must increasingly pursue, which also in Europe it is indicated to us as one of the fundamental lines of action to ensure that our democracies grow and develop in full awareness, giving our children the skills they need to be citizens at 360°"

The winning teams and the information campaigns created during "HackforInclusion"

Capiteam 1 with Tamantini Luisa, Bugiantelli Giulia, Boccali Alessandro, Zadyraka Jasmin, Zhou Sofia from the school ITET Aldo Capitini in Perugia, supported by the tutor Prof. Silvana Micillo, won Challenge 1 - how do we use words online? Being online as capable and creative protagonists to counter hate attacks - with the creation of the campaign "HATE P.B.". The campaign targets young Umbrians between 14 and 20 years old who and, thanks to the creation of an Instagram page, will share real stories of people who have experienced episodes of racism and other content related to hatred on the net, giving life to a storytelling to raise awareness and mobilize young people who often comment superficially without knowing, focusing on the emotions of the viewer. The campaign involves the production of a board game, a reinterpretation of a well-known board game, created entirely with eco-sustainable material, in which the cards contain the forbidden word and a succession of 2/3 synonyms and antonyms that cannot be used, with the aim to make people reflect on the meaning of words through a playful way.

Challenge 2 - who said that? how to increase awareness of the source of information and recognize false or plausible contents – was won by the DigiCampus team composed of Camilla Pontini, Carlotta Ramaccioni, Raffaele Ricci, Dario Fumanti, Daniel Skiba, from the Da Vinci Campus Institute in Umbertide (Pg), together with the tutor Prof. Marta Ciancabilla, with the campaign #CAVEBUBALUM - Beware of hoaxes, aimed at young people aged 14 to 25, who thanks to the use of social media, the involvement of experts and the story of real facts events, aims to raise awareness among users and develop a critical capacity towards information that leads to the recognition of fake news.

Challenge 3 - what do we say about us online? how to defend our digital identity and the right to privacy - was won by the Galileani team which includes Andrea Bartoli, Giulio Coletti, Tommaso Menigatti, Sanchez Calderon Maria Vittoria, Anita Bistocchi, together with tutors Prof. Giusi Gualtieri and Prof. Isabella Biondi, from the Liceo Scientifico Galilei in Perugia and who created the information campaign "Stay Hidden, Stay Safe - Web Heroes" aimed at young people aged 13 and over, who will make a podcast, organize a flashmob and disseminate information with 4 objectives: to raise awareness of the risks and benefits of the web, to protect personal and sensitive data, to control the information that is shared, to promote the freedom to choose one's own digital identity in order not to become a product.

Challenge 4 - how do they see us online? How to overturn the use made of bodies and images and stem the offensive and sexist language – was won by the team made up of students from the Liceo Properzio of Assisi The hackagirls: Celeste Alzalamira, Benedetta De Giovanni, Giorgia De Santis, Maria Elena Patacca together with their tutor Prof. Lorenzo Morlunghi, who won with the #(fe)male campaign which aims to raise awareness of body shaming and messages of sexism through social media and with the use of podcasts with which to tell stories true, which help raise awareness of the consequences, in the lives of victims, of negative messages related to their physical appearance.

The campaigns designed during HackhforInclusion has been evaluated by a jury of experts made up of Debora Barletta, coordinator of the No Hate Speech Movement Italia, Luigi Catalani, educational referent of Wikimedia Italia; Fabiana Cruciani, teacher and collaborator at the USR - Regional School Office of Umbria; Maurizio Troccoli, journalist and a group of 4 students attending the last year of secondary school whose vote counted as 1.

Each winning team will receive a cash prize of € 2,250.00 to support the implementation of the campaigns conceived during the Civic Hackathon, and will be invited to participate in the International Student Camp promoted by the IN-EDU project. Most of the winning teams have already activated the social channels of the designed campaigns and will shortly proceed with the implementation of all the proposed initiatives until next April.

"HackforInclusion was a great adrenaline rush, an experience that completely absorbed the energies of the team working on the IN-EDU project and allowed more than 130 students and teachers to get involved in designing communication campaigns and innovative awareness raising actions as a civic hacker - said Sylvia Liuti, Head of European projects at FORMA.Azione - "A role of real civic protagonism by boys and girls to devise and plan actions to combat hate speech and the spread of fake news, to promote greater protection of online privacy and education in the use of bodies and images on the net. The active involvement of the younger generations was also ensured by the presence of a small representation of them among the members of the jury. What prompted us to make this choice was the fact of recognizing that the protagonism of young people must be ensured at every stage in which their commitment and activism is required, even when expressing an opinion on the products made during HackforInclusion, they take responsibility for choosing, deciding and arguing".

Parallel events

Conversations with Italian experts in the field of digital education, social inclusion and hacktivism who helped students, teachers and parents engaging with MIL.
Webinars realised on 08/01/2021 within the Italian Civic Hackathon HackforInclusion

Metodologie didattiche Innovative: pratiche a confronto
Innovative didactic methodologies: case studies

Silvio Improta, Headmaster ITET Aldo Capitini
On. Anna Ascani, Deputy-ministry for Education
Carlo Mazzone, finalist at Global Teacher Prize 2020
Cinzia Spogli, Teacher at ITET Aldo Capitini

"Perché usare i social? Confronto tra chi ama la banda larga e chi preferisce starne alla larga."
“Why to use social networks? A dialogue among those who are in favour and those who avoid them”

Sonia Montegiove, ICT and digital expert
Andrea Pugliese, Digital Storyteller and parent
Participation of social and “unsocial” parents

Fake news e disinformazione
Fake news and disinformation

Bruno Mastroianni – philosofer and social media manager
Maria Giovanna Sessa – Researcher at EU DisinfoLab

Information literacy e uso delle fonti
Information literacy and assessment of information sources

Leonardo Varasano, Counsellor for Culture of the Municipality of Perugia
Luigi Catalani, Libraries of Potenza, documentation expert and communication startegies expert
Gabriele De Veris, Library S. Matteo degli Armeni
Anna Schippa, Progetto GEMMA

Discussione a seguito della proiezione de “I fili dell’odio” di Valerio Nicolosi (ZeroStudio).
Discussion following the viewing of the documentary “I fili dell’odio” by Valerio Nicolosi (ZeroStudio).

Discussione con:
Valerio Nicolosi, director “I fili dell’odio”
Sylvia Liuti, Director of EU projects at FORMA.Azione
Francesca Chiavacci, President at ARCI Nazionale


8-9 gennaio 2021

4 sfide aperte: scegli la tua!

HackforInclusion è una competizione online per sviluppare idee creative che promuovano il pensiero critico e un uso consapevole delle informazioni e dei media, per contrastare insieme le sempre più frequenti e violente manifestazioni di odio e discriminazione verso la diversità (online e offline).




 Squadre composte da 2 a 5 ragazzi e ragazze che frequentano dal 1° al 4° anno delle scuole secondarie superiori in Italia, e vogliono condividere idee creative e innovative per aumentare la consapevolezza delle proprie comunità rispetto all’utilizzo dei nuovi media, con le opportunità ed i rischi ad essi connessi.


 CHALLENGE 1 – come usiamo le parole online? Stare in rete da protagonisti capaci e creativi per contrastare gli attacchi di odio

CHALLENGE 2 – chi lo ha detto? come aumentare la consapevolezza rispetto alla fonte delle informazioni e riconoscere i contenuti falsi o verosimili

CHALLENGE 3 – cosa diciamo di noi online? come difendere la nostra identità digitale e il diritto alla privacy

CHALLENGE 4 – come ci vedono online? Come ribaltare l’uso che viene fatto di corpi e immagini e arginare il linguaggio offensivo e sessista.

Ciascuna challenge vedrà sfidarsi 4 squadre e ogni squadra vincitrice riceverà un premio di Euro 2.250,00
da destinare all’attuazione della campagna progettata.

Cos’è un Hackathon? 

HackforInclusion: video dell’evento di lancio del Civic Hackathon del progetto IN-EDU