On Saturday, November 28th, 2020, the Center for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights Osijek, organized an online media and information literacy hackathon for high school students. This hackathon was organized as a part of the InEdu project and the topic were fake news.
The hackathon was organized via Zoom platform and ten teams participated. Their task was to design a media campaign with the goal to raise awareness on the importance of media and information literacy and to identify and combat fake news. Each team had a mentor who consulted them on how to better design the campaign. The time frame to design a campaign was six hours and each team had to select a representative who presented the campaign to a jury in five minutes.
The campaigns were evaluated by an expert jury consisting of representatives of the start-up, scientific-educational and activist scene - Tomislav Bilić (Inchoo), Leo Vinković (Studio 33), dr. sc. Julia Perić (Faculty of Economics Osijek), dr. sc. Lana Cibocci (Edward Bernays College of Communication Management) and Irena Mikulić (PRONI Center for Social Education). Two lectures were held during the hackathon. The lecturers are experts in the field of media and information literacy - Lana Ciboci and Stefan Janjić.
The prizes for the first three places refer to the money awards the students will use to implement their campaigns after the hackathon. The first place is awarded with 3,000 euros, the second place with 2,000 euros and the third place with 1,000 euros. The winners of the IN EDU media and information literacy hackathon in Croatia will have the opportunity to present their campaigns together with the winners of the hackathon in partner countries - Bulgaria, Italy and Slovenia.
Congratulations to all the participants and their mentors. The campaigns are very interesting and it is especially important that they have highlighted the aspect of social inclusion and involved vulnerable groups in various ways. All teams that participated in the hackathon will be provided with consultations with an expert in order to better implement their campaigns and involve the wider community.
1st place:
Team Strukovnjaci Vice Vlatkovića - Vocational School Vice Vlatković Zadar

2nd place:
Team NeTalk - Secondary school of Economics and Administration Osijek

3rd place:
Team EŠV- School of Economics Vukovar

4th place:
Team Tzv. stručnjaci - Secondary school of Economics and Administration Osijek

5th place:
Team ELPROS - Electrical Engineering and Traffic School Osijek

6th place:
Team 404! Naziv tima ne postoji! - Gymnasium Vukovar

7th place:
Team Fama - III Gymnasium Osijek

8th place:
Team Gaudeamusnews - Gaudeamus Gymnasium Osijek

9th place
Team Eko4 - Crafts and Industrial School Županja

10th place
Team Tim Zadar - Gymnasium Vladimir Nazor Zadar

Centar za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava – Osijek organizirat će 28. studenoga 2020. online hackathon medijske i informacijske pismenosti za učenike srednjih škola u okviru IN EDU projekta. IN EDU (Inclusive communities through media literacy and critical thinking education) je dvogodišnji projekt koji se financira sredstvima Erasmus+ programa Europske unije s ciljem osnaživanja zajednica i socijalne uključenosti kroz medijsku pismenost i kritičko razmišljanje. Detalje o projektu i aktivnostima možete saznati na sljedećoj poveznici – www.in-eduproject.eu
Na hackathonu mogu sudjelovati učenici srednjih škola (15-19 godina). Tim može imati najmanje tri, a najviše pet natjecatelja. Svaki tim može imati najviše dva mentora u smislu profesora koji su pripremali tim za hackathon. Svi natjecatelji jednog tima moraju biti iz iste škole, a iz jedne škole mogu se prijaviti najviše dva tima.
Tema hackathona su lažne vijesti, a cilj je da učenici surađujući u timovima osmisle medijsku kampanju s ciljem podizanja svijesti o medijskoj i informacijskoj pismenosti te ju prezentiraju pred žirijem.
Detalji izazova otkrivaju se na samom natjecanju, a predviđena je i tehnička podrška učenicima u rješavanju zadatka u smislu savjetovanja i upućivanja na korisne resurse kako bi njihova kampanja bila što bolja.
Prva tri mjesta bit će nagrađena novčanim sredstvima koja će učenici moći uložiti u provedbu svojih kampanja nakon hackathona, a pobjednici će 2021. sudjelovati na međunarodnom kampu za učenike u Sofiji gdje će imati priliku predstaviti svoje kampanje zajedno s pobjednicima hackathona u Bugarskoj, Italiji i Sloveniji.
Timovi se mogu prijaviti ispunjavanjem online OBRASCA, a rok za prijave je 15. studenoga 2020.
Za sva pitanja pošaljite upit na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights - Osijek will organize media and information literacy hackathon for high school students within the IN EDU project. The hackathon will be held online on the 28th of November 2020. IN EDU (Inclusive communities through media literacy and critical thinking education) is a two-year project funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union with the aim of strengthening communities and social inclusion through media literacy and critical thinking (www.in-eduproject.eu).The Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights - Osijek will organize media and information literacy hackathon for high school students within the IN EDU project. The hackathon will be held online on the 28th of November 2020. IN EDU (Inclusive communities through media literacy and critical thinking education) is a two-year project funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union with the aim of strengthening communities and social inclusion through media literacy and critical thinking (www.in-eduproject.eu).
Only high school students (15-19 years old) can participate in the hackathon. A team can have a minimum of three and a maximum of five competitors. Each team can have a maximum of two mentors i.e. the teachers who prepared the team for the hackathon. All competitors of one team must be from the same school and a maximum of two teams per school can apply.
The topic of the hackathon is fake news and the goal is that students work together in teams to design a media campaign with an aim of raising awareness about media and information literacy, and present it to the jury.
Details of the challenge are revealed at the competition and the technical support is provided. The technical support shall give advice to teams in order to help them make their campaign as good as possible.
The first three places will be awarded with funds that students will be able to invest in the implementation of their campaigns after the hackathon, and the winners will participate in the international camp for students in Sofia in 2021 where they will have the opportunity to present their campaigns with hackathon winners from Bulgaria, Italy and Slovenia.
Teams can apply by filling out an E-FORM by the 15th of November 2020.
For all questions, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.